When exercise and dieting can’t help with stubborn fat, liposuction can be your best ally. Tumescent liposuction is one of the most popular types of fat removal procedures, as it has a shorter downtime compared to traditional liposuction. You can remove excess fat from various parts of your body, with no need for general anesthesia. Dr. Ariel Ostad can perform tumescent liposuction treatments under local anethesia for anyone struggling with stubborn fat, regardless of the problem area.

Undergo Liposuction With Dr. Ostad, a proud Member of the American Society of Liposuction Surgery.

American Society of Liposuction Surgery


If you are dealing with unwanted fat that does not respond to dieting or exercising, tumescent liposuction may be exactly what you are looking for. However, keep in mind that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity so you need to be within 30 percent of your ideal weight. At the same time, you should have relatively good muscle tone and skin elasticity.

You may not be an ideal candidate if your purpose is to lose too much weight. However, it can help if you want to sculpt your body. Tumescent liposuction candidates are only about 10 to 20 pounds overweight, and the procedure only addresses fat pockets.

Due to the precision of the procedure, only local anesthesia is used, and Dr. Ariel Ostad employs a microcannula to remove the fat. You can go home after the procedure so that you can comfortably recover in your own home.

What is Tumescent Liposuction?

When performing the tumescent liposuction procedure, Dr. Ariel Ostad will inject epinephrine and a local anesthetic into the area (usually lidocaine). This solution will fill out your fatty layers, causing them to become firmer as they swell otherwise known as becoming tumescent. This will offer the doctor better control over the area.

Moreover, the solution used in liposuction will temporarily shrink the blood vessels, diminishing blood loss. This will minimize pain and swelling after the procedure, reducing the recovery time.

The unwanted fat will be extracted through a microcannula in a sterile environment. Using back-and-forth motions, the microcannulas lead to more precision in removing fat compared to larger cannulas, also less bleeding and faster recovery. Dr. Ariel Ostad will recommend using an elastic compression garment, allowing the skin to heal and contract. The procedure may be used on different areas of your body, including the abdomen, waist, arms, flanks, double chin, thighs, legs, and ankles.




Compared to traditional liposuction, the recovery time is much faster. The local anesthetic used on the target area will last for about 24 hours, which will minimize most of your post-op pain. Once the anesthetic wears off, you will likely feel a small amount of discomfort, but this can be easily managed with painkillers such as TYLENOL®.

After the liposuction procedure, you may notice the occasional fluid drainage from the treatment area, but this is normal and nothing to be concerned about.

It is recommended that you walk around the house as usual after the procedure to encourage your healing; you shouldn’t feel any grogginess or nausea. You can also resume exercising within three to seven days after the procedure, and if your job does not involve any heavy labor, you may go back to work within a few days. 

Most of the swelling should dissipate within a couple of weeks. Your body will continue healing and adjusting itself over the next few months, although most of the discomfort should pass in one to two weeks. Besides swelling and occasional pain, other side effects are rare especially as the risks of general anesthesia are avoided.


Most patients should be able to notice the first results right after the procedure. However, as there will be some swelling immediately after, you may not be able to see the full extent of the effects. For the most part, you should be able to see an improvement in your contour after one week, once the swelling goes down. 

After the tumescent liposuction procedure, your body will go through more changes as it adjusts to the post-op state. To encourage proper healing, you may need to wear the compression garment for one week. Final results should be visible around three to four months after the procedure

The results you get after liposuction are permanent. The fat cells that are removed are not able to return, but you may still get enlargement of remaining fat cells over time in the treated area. This is why you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, with a proper diet and exercise. Tumescent liposuction merely brings you to square one, after which you need to focus on maintaining your weight and proper nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is liposuction at Dr. Ostad’s Office?

Tumescent liposuction is a technique that involves local anesthesia to be injected into the fat beneath your skin. This will eliminate your risk of general anesthesia and any associated surgical complications. Recovery time is reduced, bruising is reduced, and your risk of bleeding is also significantly reduced. Making this the safest form of liposuction available.

How does tumescent liposuction differ from traditional liposuction?

Traditional liposuction is performed under some form of anesthesia, which can put you at a surgical risk. Tumescent liposuction is performed under local anesthesia using a microcannula. This results in a safer procedure, increased comfort, and reduced recovery period.

Who is an ideal candidate for this procedure?

Anyone who is frustrated with their unwanted fat that does not respond well to diet and exercise. If you are not happy with your body and wish to improve your contour, you may set up a consultation with Dr. Ostad to discuss your fat reduction goals.

Will my results be permanent, final result, recovery process?

Yes, with tumescent liposuction, your results are permanent. Once the fat cells are gone, they are gone for good. It is important to institute a healthy lifestyle with exercise and diet to avoid existing fat cells from getting large and to avoid and reoccurrence.
You will already begin to see improvement in your body contour immediately. Your full results will occur between 3-4 months.
The recovery time, compared to traditional liposuction, is minimal. You are required to wear your compression garment for one week. If a patient has their procedure done on a Thursday, they can return back to work that following Monday.

Dr. Ariel Ostad has seen patients for this service from all over the tri-state area, including Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, New York City, the Bronx, Harlem, Astoria, Queens, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more. If you are interested in any of the services offered at the Office of Dr. Ariel Ostad, please contact us for more information.

Medical-grade skincare products that will help maintain and enhance your results

These skincare products combined with your treatment plan customized by Dr. Ostad will help enhance your results and improve your overall skin texture. Click on a product below to learn more.

Dr. Ariel Ostad has seen patients for this service from all over the tri-state area, including Manhattan, Midtown, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, New York City, the Bronx, Harlem, Astoria, Queens, Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, and more. If you are interested in any of the services offered at the Office of Dr. Ariel Ostad, please contact us for more information.

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